Downstate Illinois Chapter

The Downstate Chapter represents IGFOA members outside of the Chicago metropolitan area and reflects the diversity of Illinois from Galena to Carbondale and Quincy to Danville. The Downstate Chapter is divided into four regions. The Chapter hosts regional professional development training and holiday events and a conference in late February. For more information on upcoming training and events sponsored by the Downstate Chapter click here.

Downstate Chapter Conference

Downstate Chapter Meetings

Downstate Illinois Chapter Leadership

  1. Courtney R Kouzmanoff Courtney R Kouzmanoff, President Champaign Park District, Director of Finance
  2. Julie Kusturin Julie Kusturin, Immediate Past President Peoria County, Assistant Chief Financial Officer
  3. Keli R Barrow Keli R Barrow, Vice President City of Salem, Finance Director
  4. Kyle Cratty Kyle Cratty, Secretary City of Peoria, Finance Director
  5. Tamara K Ammann Tamara K Ammann, Treasurer Village of Caseyville, Treasurer/Comptroller
  6. Robin Costello Robin Costello, Member at Large, Regional Coordinator City of O'Fallon, Senior Accountant
  7. Curtis P Newport Curtis P Newport, Member at Large, Regional Coordinator Boone County, Treasurer
  8. Stephen Adams Stephen Adams, Regional Coordinator PMA Financial Network, LLC, Director, Public Finance
  9. Lindsey Fish Lindsey Fish, Regional Coordinator Sikich
  10. Kent Floros Kent Floros, Regional Coordinator Chapman and Cutler LLP
  11. Colleen Kasbohm Colleen Kasbohm, Regional Coordinator Metro LINK - RICMMTD, Comptroller
  12. Tracy Kennett Tracy Kennett, Regional Coordinator Village of Shiloh, Chief Financial Officer
  13. Jeanne Wojcieszak Jeanne Wojcieszak, Regional Coordinator City of Edwardsville, Finance Director

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Downstate Regions and Regional Coordinators

Regional Coordinators organize localized training and events in Downstate Regions (refer to map). Their role is to select a session topic, speaker and venue, as well as attend each event. Regional Coordinators also attend the monthly Downstate Chapter Board meetings held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1:30 PM. Have an idea for a session topic? Contact a Regional Coordinator or email  

Quad Cities Colleen Kashbohm, Metro LINK - RICMMTD; Kent Floros, Chapman and Cutler LLP
Central  Dalena Welkomer, BAIRD
Southern  Robin Costello, City of O'Fallon; Tracy Kennett, Village of Shiloh; Jeanne Wojcieszak, City of Edwardsville; Stephen Adams, PMA Financial Network, LLC
Rock River 

Curtis Newport, Boone County; Lindsey Fish, Sikich LLP