Renew Membership

Membership Renewal

Thank you for your continuing support of the Illinois GFOA!  Membership is on a calendar year, and dues invoices for the next year are posted in the profile of the Primary member in December. The IGFOA membership renewal period is December - January 31st. Payment processing can take at least 10-15 business days. In the meantime, if you’ve received a past due notice, please know that this may be due to processing delays. There is a grace period in place, and no interruption in your membership will occur.

Primary members of each government entity or Partner firm, renew their IGFOA membership and the memberships of each additional member from their organizations. To access the dues invoice, Primary members should sign in with the Sign in link at the top right side of the home page. After signing in, use the "Renew your membership" link also found at the top right side of the home page. Have changes to your memberships? Primary members can add or delete members online prior to renewing membership dues.

Renew Membership

Have a question about dues renewals? Contact the Membership Committee (public sector members), the Partners' Forum (private sector members), or email

IGFOA Lapsed Membership Policy

  • Membership renewals are on a calendar year and due by January 31st of each year.
  • Members that have not paid renewal dues by January 31st are subject to suspension of membership privileges.
  • Members may reinstate membership by paying the appropriate full year’s membership fee.
  • Members whose membership lapsed and then reinstated are not eligible for proration of dues.

Membership lapsed and membership priveleges suspended? Email to have your membership reinstated.