Illinois Department of Revenue - MyLocalTax (MLT)

Posted March 22, 2019 in IGFOA updates

The MyLocalTax portal, which Brenda Towers discussed at the 2018 Annual Conference, is on schedule. In late May/early June, the Illinois Department of Revenue will rollout MyLocalTax (MLT). MLT is their new portal that local governments will be able to use to view/print prior correspondence, request/receive reports, submit inquiries, respond to IDOR letters, and request updates to their accounts. For example, instead of waiting to receive the CD of your allocation remittance reports tri-annually, you’ll be able to request this information monthly and receive a file that can be downloaded directly to your device.

Closer to rollout, IDOR will post a PowerPoint presentation to their website that will introduce you to the capabilities of the portal as well as provide basic training on how to use it. In place of our usual local government workshops, our 2019 workshops will be focused on MyLocalTax. We plan to have eight workshops throughout the state in June that will be focused on demonstrating MyLocalTax and answering questions about the portal. Ideally, the host locations will be able to seat around 100 attendees and have the necessary A/V equipment for our presentation.

If your local government has any interest in hosting one of the workshops, please contact Aaron Allen, the Local Tax Allocation Division Manager at (217) 785-7116 or []( Once the dates and locations have been set, a bulletin will be sent out that includes the information for the PowerPoint presentation as well as the schedule for the workshops.