GFOA Ethics in Action - Part 1

Event Details


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Time 9:00am
Location NIU Naperville
1120 E. Diehl Road
NapervilleIllinois 60563

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Delivery Method In Person
Field of Study Behavioral Ethics - Non-Technical
NASBA CPE Earn 3.00 CPE Hours
Contact Illinois GFOA

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Event Description

The IGFOA Growth & Engagement Network (GEN), Chicago Metro Chapter, and South Metro Chapter present Ethics in a Box Series - Part 1: Ethics in Action.

GFOA’s Code of Ethics focuses on public trust and how finance officers can act to both maintain and grow trust and confront challenges. It recognizes that people are imperfect and subject to biases that can challenge ethical behavior. Nonetheless, members in government finance positions must earn and maintain public trust.

“Ethics in Action” is a three-part series based on the GFOA Code of Ethics that asks government finance officers to deal with these challenges within the values defined in the Code in order to serve their entities to the best of their ability.

In Part 1 of the series, participants will explore Integrity and Honesty, Producing Results for My Community, and Diversity and Inclusion through a combination of facilitated discussion, examples, case studies, and small group discussion.

Learning Objectives: Participants completing this session will be able to: 

  1. Become familiar with the GFOA Code of Ethics;
  2. Understand that government finance professionals are in a unique position of having responsibility over limited resources and the fiscal future of the entity for which they work and the critical role that integrity and honesty play in earning trustworthiness;
  3. Comprehend that finance officers must produce results to earn and maintain trust through commitment to producing high-quality work, continued development and enhanced financial acumen, as well as exercising good judgement.
  4. Learn how to embrace diversity and foster inclusiveness by encouraging participation and providing opportunities for participants to be a part of decisions that impact them; and
  5. Understand that Finance officers influence equity because of their involvement in the allocation of resources.

Speakers: Shayne Kavanagh, Senior Manager of Research, GFOA, Andrew Kim, Director, Public Finance, PMA Securities, LLC, Mark F. Nannini, Chief Financial Officer, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, and Patrice Sutton, Chief Financial Officer/Finance Director, Lake County

Speaker Bios

Check-in:  8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Presentation: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Luncheon:  12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Intended Audience: Finance Professionals
Delivery Method: 
Group Live
Program Level: Overview
Prerequisites: No prerequisites required
Advanced Preparation: No advance preparation required
Field of Study: Behavioral Ethics - Non-Technical
Last Review/Revision/Update: October 6, 2023

NASBA CPE: Earn about 3.0 CPE hours

Registration & Cancellation Policy

Registrations are accepted on a first-in, first registered basis. Payments by check should be mailed in advance or made at time of registration by credit card. 

Cancellation of an event registration is subject to the following policy:
• No refunds will be given for cancellations the day of the event and no shows.
• For IGFOA event registration cancellations five (5) business days or more prior to an event, refunds will be offset by a $20 cancellation fee. 
• For IGFOA event registration cancellations within five (5) business days of the training, refunds will be offset by a cancellation fee of 50% of the registration fee.
• A substitute attendee may be designated provided that the payment has been made and the IGFOA office has been notified in advance.
• A written request for a refund must be emailed to the IGFOA prior to the event.

By submitting this registration, the applicant agrees to the registration and cancellation policy above.

IGFOA reserves the right to modify the agenda and/or speakers, cancel the training due to low enrollment, or to close registration if full.   Should IGFOA cancel an event, cancellation notice will be sent to the email address provided by each registrant and prominently posted at the IGFOA website page announcing the event.

If you have questions about the cancellation and refund policy, your membership, or a complaint, please contact IGFOA at 630-942-6587. The IGFOA reserves the right to apply the non-member fee to any individual or government that has not paid dues for the current year.

Approved by the National Registry of CPE Sponsors

CPE SponsorsCPE Registry Illinois Government Finance Officers Association (IGFOA) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of Accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

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