IGFOA On-Demand Webinar | 2024 Pension Institute - Economic Outlook for the US and Illinois | Meets IDOI 1.5 HRS CPE

Event Details


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Date Tuesday, March 12, 2024 – Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Delivery Method On Demand
Field of Study Personal Development - Non-Technical
Contact Illinois GFOA

Event Cost

Event Description

This seminar will review the current state of and forecast for the US economy, covering key indicators such as GDP growth, the unemployment rate, and inflation. Attendees will learn about how the US economy got to where it is today and how it may evolve over the next year. The talk will then turn to where the Illinois economy is relative to the nation, with a focus on understanding Illinois’s long-term growth trajectory.

Learning Objectives:  Participants completing this session will be able to:

  • Understand key current economic indicators for the US and states;
  • Know a potential path for the US economy over the next 12 months; and
  • Know some important drivers of differences in economic growth across US regions.

Speaker:  Thomas Walstrum, Senior Business Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

NASBA CPE: IGFOA on-demand webinars are not eligible for NASBA CPE

The GoToWebinar link to the on-demand training will be provided in the confirmation email once registration is completed.

Registration & Cancellation Policy

There are no refunds for purchases of on-demand webinars.

Copyright for On-Demand users: Anyone with access to this presentation from IGFOA for on-demand viewing will not share, rebroadcast, or otherwise use this presentation or materials without express written consent or authorization from IGFOA. © 2024

Illinois Government Finance Officers Association, 800 Roosevelt Road, Building C, Suite 312, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Phone: 630-942-6587
Email:  info@igfoa.org
Visit http://www.igfoa.org 

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IGFOA reserves the right to modify or remove on-demand webinars at its discresion.  

If you have questions about the cancellation and refund policy, your membership, or a complaint, please contact IGFOA at 630-942-6587. The IGFOA reserves the right to apply the non-member fee to any individual or government that has not paid dues for the current year.

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