Addressing Aging Infrastructure and Lead Service Line Replacement with Asset Management

Event Details


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Time 9:00am
Location City of McHenry Public Works Department
1415 Industrial Drive
McHenryIL 60050

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Delivery Method In Person

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Event Description

Presented by the Smart Management for Small Water Systems
Addressing Aging Infrastructure and Lead Service Line Replacement with Asset Management

About this Workshop: 
Although most of us in the water business speak of “aging infrastructure,” what we are really concerned about is “decaying infrastructure” – assets that are no longer able to do their job, regardless of how old they are. Often, it is pipe infrastructure that is the most problematic because we can’t see it and don’t really know what condition it is in. It is also very expensive to replace. The problem is compounded when an issue such as lead is present. The priority of pipe replacement can be drastically altered when lead pipe needs to be removed as a public health and safety issue over the replacement of large, decaying water mains. This workshop will discuss how to use asset management principles to address decaying infrastructure with a particular focus on lead pipe removal.

November 13, 2018 | 9:00am-4:30pm 
City of McHenry Public Works Department 
1415 Industrial Drive, McHenry, IL 60050

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