Scholarship Information
The Ruth Limpers Scholarship is funded through donations from private individuals, organizations, and other funding activities of IGFOA. Three scholarships in the amount of $1,500 each will be distributed annually, one in each category listed below.
- Public Sector Member Student - public sector adult members who are a part-time student and full time employed; and member’s children who are full-time students.
- Non-Public Sector Member Student & Non-Member Student – Members of IGFOA’s Partners’ Program who are a part-time student and full time employed; their children who are full-time students; and full-time students with no affiliation with IGFOA but are interested in a career in government finance.
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Student
Eligible Student is defined as both graduate and undergraduate students (including high school seniors/incoming freshman) formally accepted in an accredited community college or 4-year college/university in a full-time curriculum or for full-time employees, a part-time curriculum that will result in an associate, bachelor’s or master’s degree. Funds will be released upon proof of enrollment for the fall semester.
Type of Degree
The degrees acceptable for the scholarships include associate’s, bachelor’s and master’s in accountancy, finance, or any business-related degrees as well as MBA and MPA degrees.
Award Criteria
Applications will be judged objectively and subjectively according to the following criteria:
- Academic – Merit Based (objective)
- Volunteerism or Extra-Curricular Activities (objective)
- Letter of Reference (subjective)
- Short Answer Questions (subjective)
- Other Factors Considered Relevant by the Committee (e.g., access to employer tuition reimbursement program; member vs. non-member)
Distribution of Scholarship Funds
Scholarship funds will be given to the student at the Annual Conference.
Application Process
To be considered, applications must be complete, using the proper form and submitted electronically to in one email as noted on the application form found here.
Required documents:
1. The completed application form;
2. A copy of an official transcript that includes the most recent academic year; and
3. One letter of recommendation from a teacher or counselor that contains relevant information that supports the candidate’s application.
- All applicants will be notified of the review committee’s decision regarding their application.
- Scholarship recipients will be notified following the submission deadline.
- Scholarship recipients must provide confirmation of enrollment and a completed Terms of Acceptance form for the current or next term to IGFOA at before funds will be released.
- IGFOA will acknowledge recipients on the IGFOA website and at the IGFOA Annual Conference. Recipients are encouraged to attend the IGFOA Annual Conference and will receive a complimentary registration.
Valid applications for the RLSF Scholarships will be reviewed by the RLSF Committee. The RLSF Committee will make recommendations about award recipients to the IGFOA Executive Board. The IGFOA Executive Board will affirm the decision of the Committee.